
  • Manned Guarding

  • Patrol Services

  • Event Protection

  • Executive Protection

  • Live Monitoring

  • A.I.

  • Security Consultations

  • Private Investigations

  • Loss Prevention Services


Manned Guards

New Line’s Security programs are tailored to each customer as well as the guards we choose to fit each program. Since no programs are the same, neither should one guard fit all. We hand pick each member of your team based on what your needs dictate.

Each guard goes through a rigorous evaluation process that includes an FBI background check, psychological assessment, and a general knowledge and skill assessment. Once a guard has passed the initial phase, they are placed on a probationary period, trained individually and placed at their respective post.

Each location is assigned a Post Commander to ensure that not only are all guards are following post orders, but the guards are always improving and surpassing the expectations of our customers. Post Commanders are expected to do daily assessments and verify that all guards are dressed appropriately, are doing an excellent job, filling out D.A.R. (Daily Activity Reports) reports, and checking for accuracy in these reports.



New Line offer several types of uniforms.

  • Unarmed Guards - These type of personnel are issued a standard 2 piece uniform in grey shirt/black pants.

  • Armed Guards - Are issued a dark uniform consisting of black shirt/black pants.

  • Concierge Guards - Are issued blue blazers with blue polo shirts and grey pants.

  • Loss Prevention - Are dressed to fit into the environment they are presented.


Patrol Supervisors

One of the major foundations of security at Newline is our Supervisory Patrol Department. These Patrol Supervisors are issued a police style unit that will make frequent stops throughout the day and night to check on security guards posted at your facility to ascertain their current situation and report their findings. Additionally, each Regional team of Supervisors is trained to know the post orders at your facility in case of call off’s or personnel not reporting as scheduled.

Each Patrol Vehicle has:

  • Disaster Preparedness Supplies

  • CB Radio

  • Emergency Communication Equipment

  • Satellite linked Computer

  • First Aid Kits

  • And Other Equipment


Live Monitoring

Our IT Department at New Line is always moving forward with the latest in security tech services.

  • Unauthorized Access monitoring shows persons entering restricted areas. These persons can be verbally addressed from a remote site requesting that they leave the area immediately.

  • Face Recognition software can readily ID persons who are known to be a risk to the business or public.

  • Live Monitoring begins with installing or using a preexisting camera system to monitor your building’s safety from a secure offsite location. In case of an emergency, New Line will have protocols on who to call first incase of an emergency and when contacting emergency services is acceptable.

Monitoring options range investigating your facility every increment of time or continuous monitoring 24/7.

New Line is also proud to announce that we use A.I. integrated monitoring services that allows our program to update guards, Account Managers, and your employees of any immediate security concerns, and provide constant GPS updates of guard whereabouts of the security risks and give live feed back on guard’s actions. This system is available to be integrated into your security plan. Please contact your Account Manager for further details.


Tailored Security Plans & Account Managers

New Line brings over 40 years of combined Police, Military, and Government experience to the table, all to tailor the perfect security program for you. Each member of our team brings a unique perspective and recommendations to improve your overall security.

Each account will be assigned an Account Manager that will be your main point of contact. They’ll assist in the making of your security plan, training the personnel, and making sure your experience with New Line is smooth. New Line believes that a “hands on” approach is a critical. important, on-going process that requires the need of a full-time Account Manager whose concentrated efforts will insure compliance with all facets of your security program.

Account managers are available 24/7 and will become your first point of contact for any questions, comments or concerns.

Each manager brings a wealth of experience in the security field can give recommendations for how to improve the overall safety of your property. They will assist in the making of your post orders, implementing the programs that you are requesting, instructing Supervisory Personnel of the guard responsibilities and insuring that reporting requirements are implemented and tested.


How can we help you?